Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How does this still happen?

I read a story today that completely broke my heart. How have we become so desensitized as a culture that we could allow this to happen? People want to blame it on New Yorkers but I know this could happen any place. Our culture has become so self-absorbed that we can't step out of our worlds for one second to see the bigger picture. We don't like to be uncomfortable. It's a hard concept to grasp that this life is not about our jobs, how much money we make, how much stuff we have..etc. It's about caring for and loving people. We have lost sight of that some where. We have become a society where we will walk over anyone to get what we want.

I want this to be a reminder to me to look beyond myself. If my life was truly eternally focused...how different would I be?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Home Sweet L.A.

After the longest road trip, we have made it to L.A. and I started working on Monday. Britney and Beth came with me and we had such a great time. We got to see so much driving to the west coast.

We started at 6 am Wednesday morning. Our first detour was in Prague, OK. Not sure why but they have a National Shrine of Infant Jesus. It was so weird. We stopped in Amarillo to see the Cadillac Ranch. I do not know what the big deal is but now I can say that I have seen it. After 18 long hours, we spent the night in Flagstaff, AZ. Thursday morning, we made our way up to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. It was simply amazing. I have heard so many times that pictures do not do it justice and it's so true. From the Grand Canyon, we decided to take a detour to Vegas. I mean..why not? We have already driven about 20 hours at this point. We saw the Hoover Dam on our way to Vegas. We didn't spend much time at all there. We were there long enough to drive down the strip and see the famous Welcome to Vegas sign. It was good enough for this trip.

We rolled into L.A. around 10 Thursday night. It was so great to finally be in the city. I am pretty sure we packed in more site seeing in 3 days than most people do in a week! I have already been to Hollywood Blvd, Sunset, Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica Pier, Venice Beach, and that was just Friday! Saturday, we went back to the pier to eat lunch and ride the ferris wheel. We went to see the Dodgers play Sunday afternoon and it was crazy hot so we didn't stay the whole game. They left Monday afternoon. It was so much fun to have them here for those few days.

I started working Monday. It was a lot of driving around the city and learning where some of our ministry sites are located. We stumbled onto a taping of NCIS L.A. so that was fun to watch for a little while. Chris O'Donnell was within arms reach of us so that was fun! Jonathan and Jordan took me on the prayer tour Monday evening which is really my favorite part of CSM. It is such a great way to learn and fall in love with the city where God has called me. I am so excited about what God is doing here and that I get to be a small part of it. I will be updating more often (hopefully) so this is a great place to see what is going here in the city. Thanks so much for reading and praying for me as I begin this huge, life changing journey. I will be collecting home addresses and email addresses to send out prayer cards and newsletters. Please let me know if you would like to receive either one. You can email me at breanne@csm.org or send me a message on facebook. I love y'all so much. Thanks for being apart of my life!